Ireland (cont.)
Singleton, Michael  b. circa 1846
Slattery, Anastasia  b. circa 1907
Slattery, Patrick  b. circa 1908
Smith, Catherine  b. circa 1800
Smyth, Laurence  b. 1841, d. 1922
Soy, James  b. circa 1811
Splane, John  b. circa 1805
Stack, James  b. circa 1813, d. before 1889
Stack, Thomas  b. circa 1781, d. 1853
Stevens, John  b. circa 1834
Stuart, George Hay  b. circa 1816
Sullivan, Bridgett  b. circa 1835
Sullivan, Catharine  b. circa 1800
Sullivan, Catherine  b. circa 1803
Sullivan, Cornelius  b. say 1823
Sullivan, Daniel  b. circa 1817
Sullivan, Daniel  b. 1822, d. 1913
Sullivan, Daniel  b. say 1860
Sullivan, Jeremiah  b. circa 1816
Sullivan, Johanna  b. say 1850
Sullivan, John  b. circa 1829
Sullivan, M  b. circa 1790, d. before 1851
Sullivan, Margaret  b. say 1782
Sullivan, Margaret  b. circa 1809
Sullivan, Mary  b. circa 1827, d. 1907
Sullivan, Michael
Sullivan, Owen  b. circa 1791
Sullivan, Roger  b. circa 1799, d. 1878
Sullivan, Timothy  b. circa 1794
Sweeney, Bridget  b. circa 1827
Sweeney, Catherine  b. circa 1828
Sweeney, Dennis  b. circa 1791
Sweeney, Honorah  b. 1839, d. 1928
Sweeney, James  b. circa 1799, d. 1887
Sweeney, Jeremiah  b. circa 1765
Sweeney, John (Rev.)  b. circa 1821
Sweeney, Julia  b. say 1788
Sweeney, Mary  b. circa 1830
Sweeney, Mary Ann  b. circa 1837
Sweeney, Patrick  b. circa 1805, d. 1883
Sweeney, ____  b. circa 1800
Swift, Alice Elizabeth  b. 1795, d. 1869
Swift, Frank P  b. circa 1830, d. 1893
Swift, John A  b. circa 1842, d. 1890
Tinn, Julia  b. circa 847
Toomey, Mary  b. circa 1821, d. 1913
Travise, Ann  b. circa 1818
Twomey, Ellen  b. say 1800
Tymon, Patrick
Tyne, Ann  b. circa 1840, d. 1900
Tyne, Dennis  b. circa 1805, d. 1882
Tyne, Richard  b. 1812
Wall, Gilbert  b. circa 1836
Wall, P (Rev.)  b. say 1800
Wall, Richard  b. circa 1800
Walsh, Catherine  b. circa 1840
Walsh, James  b. circa 1825
Walsh, John  b. circa 1798, d. 1866
Walsh, John  b. circa 1830, d. 1883
Walsh, Margaret  b. 1794, d. 1870
Walsh, Martin  b. circa 1820
Walsh, Michael  b. say 1762
Walsh, Michael  b. circa 1835
Walsh, William  b. circa 1785
Wann, Frederick A  b. 1850, d. 1926
Ward, Martin  b. between 1846 and 1849
Welsh, Edward  b. circa 1800, d. 1882
Welsh, Edward  b. circa 1840, d. 1908
Welsh, John  b. circa 1827
Welsh, Robert  b. circa 1830
Welsh, ____  b. circa 1770
Welsh, ____  b. circa 1800
Whalen, Patrick  b. circa 1833, d. 1907
Wheeler, Patrick  b. 1830, d. 1873
Wheeler, ____  b. say 1800
Whelan, Catherine  b. say 1800
Whelan, Ellen  b. circa 1822
Whelan, James  b. circa 1833, d. 1878
Whelan, Jeremiah  b. circa 1831, d. before 1880
Whelan, John  b. say 1796
Whelan, Mary
Whelan, Mary  b. say 1785
Whelan, Michael  b. say 1783
Whelan, Michael  b. circa 1818, d. 1875
Whelan, Michael  b. circa 1820
Whelan, Michael  b. circa 1833
Whelan, Patrick
Whelan, Patrick  b. say 1794
Whelan, Patrick  b. circa 1825
Whelan, Robert  b. say 1760, d. before 1833
Whelan, Thomas  b. circa 1788
Whelan, William  b. say 1792
Whelan, ____  b. say 1795
White, Ellen  b. circa 1801
Wilson, Prudentia  b. 1799, d. 1867
Wiseman, John  b. circa 1827, d. 1854
Wiseman, Mary  b. circa 1823, d. 1884
Woods, Catherine  b. 1836
Woods, James  b. circa 1844
Wrenn, Mary  b. circa 1821
Young, Bridget  b. 1839, d. 1903
Young, Edward
Young, Margaret  b. 1835, d. 1900
Young, Mary  b. say 1770
Young, Patrick  b. 1838, d. 1907
____, Margaret  b. circa 1785
_____, Alice  b. circa 1773
_____, Ann  b. circa 1780
_____, Ann  b. circa 1838
_____, Bridget  b. circa 1796
_____, Brigitt  b. say 1765
_____, Catharine  b. circa 1840
_____, Catherine  b. circa 1790
_____, Catherine  b. circa 1793
_____, Catherine  b. circa 1797
_____, Catherine  b. say 1810
_____, Elizabeth  b. circa 1782, d. 1847
_____, Elizabeth  b. circa 1834
_____, Elizabeth  b. circa 1850
_____, Ellen  b. circa 1813
_____, Ellen  b. circa 1815, d. 1866
_____, Hanorah  b. circa 1800
_____, Harriett  b. circa 1830
_____, Johanna  b. circa 1775
_____, Johannah  b. circa 1811, d. 1879
_____, Julia  b. circa 1799, d. 1876
_____, Katherine  b. circa 1888
_____, Margaret
_____, Margaret  b. circa 1785, d. 1871
_____, Margaret  b. circa 1800
_____, Margaret  b. circa 1837, d. before 1878
_____, Margaret  b. say 1839
_____, Mary
_____, Mary  b. circa 1800
_____, Mary  b. circa 1803
_____, Mary  b. 1804
_____, Mary  b. circa 1807, d. 1901
_____, Mary  b. circa 1810, d. 1881
_____, Mary  b. circa 1812
_____, Mary  b. circa 1816
_____, Mary  b. circa 1835
_____, Mary  b. circa 1868
_____, Matilda  b. circa 1800, d. 1885
_____, M___  b. circa 1830
_____, Nancy  b. circa 1791
_____, Nancy  b. circa 1811
_____, Susannah  b. circa 1776
_____, ____
_____, ____  b. say 1768
_____, ____  b. circa 1780
_____, ____  b. circa 1790
_____, ____  b. say 1800
_____, ____  b. say 1817
_____, ____  b. circa 1823
_____, ____  b. say 1835
Armstrong, William  b. circa 1810
Castle Island
Shea, Norah  b. circa 1896
Co. Armagh
Allen, Mary  b. 1857, d. 1906
Campbell, Ellen  b. circa 1820, d. 1902
Campbell, Owen  b. 1837, d. 1890
Campbell, Patrick  b. circa 1792, d. 1876
Sloan, Bridget  b. 1852, d. 1904
Allen, Bridget  b. 1845
Allen, Ellen  b. 1849
Allen, James  b. 1840, d. 1913
Lower Killeavy Parish
Allen, Paul  b. circa 1818
Campbell, Ellen  b. circa 1820, d. 1902
Upper Killeavy Parish
Allen, Bridget  b. 1845
Allen, Ellen  b. 1849
Allen, James  b. 1840, d. 1913
Co. Clare
Kelly, Bernard  b. circa 1790, d. before 1852
Russell, Ann  b. say 1800
Russell, Bridget  b. circa 1830
Russell, John  b. say 1800, d. before 1848
Killilagh (perh.)
Russell, John  b. say 1795, d. before 1847
Co. Cork
Barry, James  b. circa 1791, d. 1850
Casey, Andrew1  b. 1819, d. before 1826
Casey, Andrew2  b. circa 1826, d. circa 1827
Casey, Catherine  b. circa 1818, d. 1838
Casey, Catherine  b. 1823, d. before 1897
Casey, Daniel  b. circa 1792
Casey, Daniel  b. circa 1792
Casey, Ellen  b. circa 1819, d. 1897
Casey, Margaret  b. circa 1793
Casey, Mary  b. circa 1797
Casey, Mary Ann  b. circa 1820, d. 1859
Casey, Michael  b. circa 1792
Casey, Thomas  b. 1821, d. before 1897
Casey, Thomas  b. 1825, d. before 1897
Charde, Michael William  b. 1867, d. 1909
Cronan, Mary  b. circa 1780, d. before 1831
Curtin, Timothy B  b. circa 1810, d. 1890
Donovan, Daniel  b. circa 1819, d. 1885
Donovan, Florence  b. circa 1788
Donovan, Florence Thomas (Fleury)  b. circa 1817, d. 1910
Donovan, Johanna  b. circa 1813, d. 1891
Donovan, Mary Ann  b. circa 1829
Downey, John  b. circa 1770
Finnegan, William  b. circa 1770
Gallivan, Eleanora  b. circa 1780
Hanley, Mary Agnes  b. 1862, d. 1945
Harrington, Elizabeth  b. circa 1796
Harrington, Ellen  b. circa 1797
Hartnett, Bartholomew Jr  b. circa 1828, d. 1883
Hartnett, John  b. 1805, d. 1865
Hartnett, Joseph F  b. 1823, d. 1894
Hartnett, Maurice  b. circa 1832, d. 1864
Hartnett, Patrick  b. circa 1820, d. 1887
Hartnett, Timothy  b. circa 1769
Leary, Margaret  b. say 1806, d. 1846
Mahoney, Denis  b. circa 1804, d. 1881
Mahoney, James  b. circa 1809, d. 1891
McGuire, Mary  b. 1795
Noonan, Jeremiah  b. 1803, d. 1901
O'Brien, Daniel  b. circa 1785
O'Brien, John  b. circa 1822, d. before 1870
O'Leary, Denis  b. circa 1780
O'Neil, Jeremiah  b. circa 1826, d. 1896
Reilly, John Jr.  b. 1827, d. 1891
Ryan, Michael Jr.  b. circa 1792
Savage, Daniel  b. say 1775, d. before 1831
Shanahan, Mary  b. 1825
Splane, Mary1  b. circa 1832
Stack, Mary  b. circa 1810, d. 1892
Sullivan, Catherine  b. 1825, d. 1908
Sullivan, Honora  b. 1820, d. 1905
Sullivan, Michael  b. circa 1815, d. 1856
Sweeney, James  b. circa 1832, d. 1920
Sweeney, Jeremiah  b. 1823, d. 1900
Sweeney, Terrence  b. 1836, d. 1920
Walsh, Ellen  b. circa 1792
Walsh, Hanorah  b. between 1791 and 1795, d. 1882
Ballinadee Civil Par.
Coghlan, Ellen  b. say 1795
Donovan, Daniel  b. circa 1819, d. 1885
Donovan, Ellen  b. say 1821
Donovan, Florence  b. circa 1788
Donovan, Florence Thomas (Fleury)  b. circa 1817, d. 1910
Donovan, Johanna  b. circa 1813, d. 1891
Donovan, John  b. circa 1823
Donovan, Michael  b. circa 1824, d. 1891
Donovan, Norah  b. circa 1815, d. 1892
Mahoney, Denis  b. say 1795
O'Reilley, Margaret  b. 1790
Hogan, William  b. circa 1818, d. 1895
Lane, Aeneas  b. 1799, d. 1880
Lane, Timothy  b. say 1780, d. before 1848
Lane, William  b. circa 1797, d. before 1871
Savage, William  b. say 1750, d. 1824
Donovan, Mary  b. circa 1803, d. 1868
Donovan, Norah  b. circa 1815, d. 1892
Hennessy, Bartholomew  b. circa 1796, d. 1886
Hennessy, Daniel  b. 1835, d. 1916
Holland, John  b. circa 1800, d. 1888
Bandon Catholic Parish
Splane, Mary1  b. circa 1832
Bandon Par.
O'Connell, Bridget  b. circa 1792, d. 1863
Reilly, John  b. circa 1792, d. 1873
Brigown Civil Par.
Casey, John  b. circa 1787, d. 1858
Martin, Benjamin  b. circa 1787
Mulvey, Margaret  b. circa 1805, d. 1854
Tobin, James  b. circa 1787
Hagerty, John  b. circa 1817, d. before 1861
Carrigaline (prob.)
Hagerty, James  b. circa 1790, d. after 1842
Sullivan, Johanna  b. circa 1790, d. before 1842
Hartnett, James  b. say 1800
Shanahan, Mary  b. 1825
Twomey, Ellen  b. say 1800
Carrigtwohill Parish
Buckley, William
Butler, John  b. say 1790
Desmond, Michael  b. say 1780
Hartnett, Bartholomew Jr  b. circa 1828, d. 1883
Hartnett, Catherine  b. say 1791
Hartnett, Joseph F  b. 1823, d. 1894
Hartnett, Maurice  b. circa 1832, d. 1864
Hartnett, Nelly  b. say 1791
Hartnett, Patrick  b. circa 1820, d. 1887
Hurley, Margaret
Kennedy, Joseph  b. say 1790
Twomy, Mary  b. say 1794
Diocese of Cloyne
Coppinger, ____ (Rev.)  b. say 1770
Hartnett, Bartholomew  b. say 1789
Kennedy, Honora  b. say 1793
O'Donnell, James  b. say 1788
O'Donnell, William  b. say 1788
Enniskeane R.C. Parish
Desmond, Daniel  b. circa 1808
Donoghue, Peg  b. circa 1808
Hennessy, Bartholomew Jr.  b. circa 1831, d. 1886
Fermoy Civil Par.
Walsh, Ellen  b. circa 1800, d. 1835
Glanworth Civil Par.
Casey, Andrew  b. say 1792, d. 1838
Aghern, Mary  b. say 1762
Brien, Michael
Casey, Andrew  b. say 1762
Casey, Andrew  b. 1790, d. 1852
Casey, Andrew1  b. 1819, d. before 1826
Casey, Andrew2  b. circa 1826, d. circa 1827
Casey, Catherine  b. circa 1818, d. 1838
Casey, Catherine  b. 1823, d. before 1897
Casey, Daniel  b. circa 1792
Casey, Daniel  b. circa 1792
Casey, Daniel  b. 1799
Casey, David  b. circa 1793
Casey, Denis  b. say 1762
Casey, John  b. circa 1787, d. 1858
Casey, Margaret  b. circa 1793
Casey, Mary  b. circa 1797
Casey, Michael  b. circa 1792
Casey, Morgan  b. circa 1795, d. 1841
Casey, Thomas  b. 1821, d. before 1897
Casey, Thomas  b. 1825, d. before 1897
Condon, William  b. say 1762
Crow, Mary  b. say 1790
Dobyns, Bridget  b. say 1772
Doherty, Michael  b. say 1790
Foard, Julianne  b. say 1762
Foard, Richard  b. say 1763
Gearon, John  b. say 1790
Harrington, Catharine  b. circa 1796, d. 1870
Harrington, Elizabeth  b. circa 1796
Harrington, Ellen  b. circa 1797
Harrington, Jude  b. circa 1795
Harrington, Margaret
Harrington, Margaret  b. circa 1810, d. 1833
Harrington, Marks  b. say 1772
Johnson, Bridget  b. say 1790
Kelly, Catherine  b. say 1762
Kirby, Daniel  b. say 1762
Lewis, Timothy  b. say 1796
Lynne, Joanna  b. say 1762
Magner, Honora
Magner, Margaret  b. circa 1770
Magner, Wenny  b. say 1765
Mahoney, John  b. say 1767
Moriarty, Catherine  b. say 1762
Murphy, Johanna  b. 1820, d. 1891
Murphy, Margaret  b. 1824
Nagle, Thomas
O'Brien, Denis  b. circa 1770
O'Brien, Ellen  b. say 1762
O'Brien, John  b. say 1762
O'Brien, Patrick  b. say 1860
Ryan, Michael Jr.  b. circa 1792
Sergeant, Frances  b. say 1796
Sullivan, Mortagh  b. say 1762
Walsh, Daniel  b. circa 1785
Walsh, Ellen  b. circa 1792
Mitchelstown Parish
Shea, Michael  b. circa 1805, d. 1895
Donovan, John  b. say 1788
Donovan, Julia  b. circa 1818, d. 1847
Hurley, Julia  b. say 1792
Murragh Catholic Parish
Hennessy, Bartholomew  b. circa 1796, d. 1886
McCarthy, Abigail  b. circa 1808, d. 1876
McCarthy, Margaret  b. circa 1801
Murphy, William (Rev.)
Sweeney, Honorah  b. 1839, d. 1928
Sweeney, Michael  b. circa 1807
Sweeney, Patrick  b. circa 1805, d. 1883
Sweeney, Terrence  b. 1836, d. 1920
Murragh Par.
Ringrone, Ballindee and Templetrine (today Ringrone) Parish
Coghlan, Ellen  b. say 1795
Donovan, John  b. circa 1823
Donovan, Michael  b. circa 1824, d. 1891
Foley, John  b. say 1795
Hara, Johanna  b. say 1795
Mahoney, Denis  b. say 1795
Tracton Abbey R. C. Parish
Hagerty, John  b. circa 1817, d. before 1861
Co. Cork or Co. Waterford
Flynn, Bridget  b. circa 1815, d. 1891
Co. Derry
Gillespie, Charles  b. 1792, d. 1882
Co. Donegal
Boyce, Patrick  b. circa 1808
Lewis, John  b. 1678, d. 1762
McGown, Ellen  b. circa 1821
McKelvie, John  b. circa 1820, d. 1912
McLoone, Sarah M  b. circa 1813
McSweeney, Patrick  b. circa 1825, d. 1907
Mulrine, Charles  b. circa 1806, d. 1875
Patton, Elizabeth  d. 1776
Donegal Bay
Marley, John  b. circa 1811
Co. Donegal (prob.)
Co. Fermanagh
Mundy, Patrick  b. circa 1798, d. 1864
Mundy, Philip  b. circa 1790, d. 1858
Co. Galway
Dixon, Patrick W (Rev.)  b. 1846, d. 1928
Co. Kerry
Ashe, Catherine  b. circa 1848, d. 1891
Ashe, Francis  b. circa 1815, d. 1843
Ashe, Johanna  b. circa 1847, d. 1849
Ashe, Margaret  b. circa 1851
Ashe, Martin  b. circa 1777, d. 1847
Ashe, Mary  b. circa 1845
Cournane, Mary
Crean, Bridget  b. circa 1900
Crean, Catherine  b. circa 1892
Crean, Johanna  b. circa 1877
Crean, John  b. circa 1884
Crean, Martin  b. circa 1889
Crean, Michael  b. circa 1895
Crean, Patrick  b. circa 1885
Crean, Patrick Jr.  b. circa 1875
Crean, Thomas  b. 1877
Deane, Ellen  b. 1874
Deane, Eugene  b. say 1847
Deane, John1  b. circa 1877
Deane, Margaret  b. circa 1884
Deane, Mary  b. 1871
Deane, Patrick  b. circa 1886
Farley, Mary  b. circa 1760
Fitzgerald, Catherine  b. say 1768
Flahive, Bridget  b. circa 1882
Flahive, Catherine  b. circa 1889
Flahive, Mary  b. circa 1888
Flahive, Patrick  b. circa 1880
Flahive, Thomas Jr.  b. circa 1880
Hogan, Catherine  b. circa 1897
Holahan, Michael  b. circa 1788, d. 1844
Holahan, Patrick  b. circa 1760
Landers, Bridget  b. circa 1881
Landers, Edward James  b. circa 1891
Landers, Ellie  b. circa 1884
Landers, Johanna  b. circa 1894
Landers, John  b. 1882, d. 1966
Landers, Michael  b. circa 1878
Landers, Thomas  b. circa 1888
McKenna, Bridget  b. circa 1894
McKenna, Catherine  b. circa 1880
McKenna, John III  b. circa 1890
McKenna, John Jr.  b. circa 1852
McKenna, John1  b. circa 1874
McKenna, Katie  b. circa 1879
McKenna, Mary  b. circa 1891
McKenna, Mary  b. circa 1893
McKenna, Michael  b. circa 1866
McKenna, Michael  b. 1877
McKenna, Michael  b. circa 1884
McKenna, Patrick  b. 1875, d. 1952
McKenna, Patrick  b. circa 1886
McKenna, Thomas  b. circa 1887
McKenna, Thomas Jr.  b. circa 1883
McKenna, Timothy  b. circa 1903
Sullivan, Cornelius  b. circa 1831, d. 1895
Wall, Gilbert  b. circa 1794, d. 1857
_____, Johanna  b. circa 1775